Schedule & Fees

Adult classes (16+) are currently in session.

Weekly Schedule (Check our Facebook page for the most recent updates updates):
Tuesday: 8:30 PM – 10:00PM (Regular Class)
Thursday: 8:30 PM – 10:00PM (Regular Class)
Sunday: 10:00AM – 11:00AM (Weapons Class – time changes to check with us before coming)

Cost: $50 per month with annual Canadian Aikido Association fee of $50

Location: Abbotsford Judo Club
31410 Maclure Road
Abbotsford BC V2S 6A9

What to Wear

We train in traditional white judo keikogis. Beginners without uniforms can come in sweats until a uniform can be purchased.

Class Components

During COVID-19 our classes will be weapons only, limited to jo and bokken in order to maintain proper social distancing.

This weapons class will focus on the use of the jo (staff) and bokken (wooden sword) as taught within the CAA curriculum. The focus on these weapons helps students develop better timing, spacing and correct body structure which are essential components of the hand to hand techniques of the martial art.

Extra weapons are available. Facemasks are required.

Beginners start with basic falling and footwork practice. Advanced students practice against multiple attacks, both empty-handed techniques and those which involve the use of weapons. Aikido exercises mind, body and spirit with its principles and practices. Through practice, exercise, determination and dedication, these skills can be acquired by anyone, from adolescent to senior.


The Canadian Aikido Association follows the Hombu Dojo grading system.